Howdy y’all Texan boy here=] well it seems that everyone here is smitten by the “straight” guy. I do have questions to ask….why? yes he is hot but rather than a sexual fling, what are the iions? Are y to prove that it be done? Do you think you are madly in love? They are people too and they have regrets, feelings, and wantings to be loved…it could seriously do some damage so please be safe with what you do…if not for your sake then for his/hers. …I wohey are really cute=]
May 1, 2009 at 3:40 am
Iing reading here…. My best friend and I have known each other for 20 years now (we’re 45). I still thihe hottest man I’ve ever known. We’re both married, kids, the whole deal. He’s always made a lot of jokes about how we’re just two old queens, we should get married, etc. I play along and we have big laughs about it. Anytime I’ve ever talked about the issue (in theory and in seriousness) of sex with a guy, he gets real disgusted though, how he could never do it with a guy, etc. What’s strahough is we h
May 24, 2009 at 7:54 am
David says:
y him). He was just such a blue collar bull of a guy, I let stereotypes trip up my judgment (the irony is not lost ohere). Had I been wiser and more atteo what he was going through, I thiually might have bee boyfriends. Such a pity.
April 30, 2011 at 1:09 am
All i say is i have an obsession wid a straight guy (id never ever rape/stalk him) and i kinda told people i like him and he knows i like him. now like everything is awkward around him, im 15 by the way, and like in the locker room he ges iall now and hes really breaking my heart. ive never physically told him i luv him… sud i? if he ever hit me id hate to say it but id enjoy it, jus to have sum physical tact wid him :( hes a straight jock, and he wount have any tact wid me for the sake of his rep. idk what to do but ill never give up on him, hes that special 3
Steve says:
Pete says: